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Single Origin

Coffee Plant

Java Roastery brings to you the best single-origin coffees from around the world.

Single-origin coffee is coffee sourced entirely from one farm, or it can be sourced from multiple farms in the same geographical area, or from the same country.

At Java Roastery, we like to examine the essential variables that contribute to the distinct flavours produced at each farm when choosing which coffee farms to source from. In light of this, we provide you with different single-origin coffees throughout the year depending upon the time of year and the quality of the harvest.

Currently, we’re providing you with single-origin coffee from Ethiopia and Brazilian Swiss Water Decaf.

Brazilian Swiss Water Washed Decaf

Our Brazilian Swiss Water Washed Decaffeinated coffee

Brazil Swiss Water® Decaf Cerrado


Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee, most of this is Arabica. 

PROCESS: Natural

VARIETALS & VARIETIES: Catuia, New World, Tupi

TASTING PROFILE: Delicate, balanced with medium acidity and mild fruit and nut flavours.

Decag Single-Origin Coffee
The coffee is decaffeinated, using the Swiss water washing method, which is regarded, as the best method in the world for this process. 
The method involves keeping the coffee beans in pure water for around 12 hours until 99% of the coffee has diffused out from the beans. No chemicals are used, which makes it, the most natural, and purest form of decaffeination. The coffee, as a result, holds its beautiful flavours.


Please click on the image below to watch how the magic of the decaffeination process happens:

Order in-store to experience this unique coffee.

Ethiopia Mokamba

Mokamba coffee combines beans from the Kambata and Sidamo regions. Harvesting takes place between October and December and the cherries are patio dried.

Kambata is located, in the south-west, between the Bilate and Omo rivers north of Kenya. Coffee grown here has a unique aroma of strawberry and blueberry and has a sweet flavour.

While Mokamba coffee is primarily made up of coffee from the Kambata region, it is specially prepared with beans from Sidamo to give it a very distinct flavour.

Sidamo is famous for its coffee. Grown at altitudes of 1,500 to 1,800 metres, the coffee is classified, as Strictly High Grown (SHG).

The high altitudes allow the coffee to grow more slowly; this gives the beans more time to absorb nutrients and develop rich flavours.   

Order in-store to experience this unique coffee.

Coming soon online!

Cupping Notes: Pungent stone fruit notes, winey acidity, juicy, dark chocolate, and spice.

Yemeni Coffee

Yemen is considered by some to be the birthplace of both Arab civilisation and coffee, and is, referred to as the ‘Land of Origins’.

Coffee was, first cultivated during the 15th century. Since then, the methods of coffee farming have pretty much remained the same. Grown high in the mountains of Yemen, terrace farms emerge out of the mountains in a beautiful cascade of geometric patterns.

Farming at such high altitudes contributes to the distinct flavours of Yemeni coffees; the higher the coffee is grown, the higher the quality. Combined with the country’s climatic conditions, the extremely dry conditions bring out the beans’ sweet tastes and allow the floral notes to develop; this is why Yemeni coffees have tastes unlike any other coffees farmed in the rest of the world.

As a result, Yemeni coffees have sweet, rich, fulsome flavours, and they also have a long sought after, inherent chocolate fruit flavour.

When coffee, was first being exported from Yemen’s principal port city, al-Mokha, to the rest of the world, people tried to replicate its flavours, so they would mix coffee with chocolate to make it taste like the coffee that came from al-Mokha; this is where the name Mocha comes from.

However, today, most of the world hasn’t experienced the origins of coffee Mocha and discovered its rich, fruity chocolate flavours because Yemen only produces around 0.1% of the world’s coffee. The reasons for this are complex. Its particularly astonishing when you consider that in the early 1700s, the world’s coffee supply originated from Yemen.

We’re going to change that.

Java Roastery has ambitious plans to bring Yemeni coffees to the world.

If you want to be the first to experience the origins of Yemeni coffee then signup to our newsletter and be the first to buy online or experience in-store.